May 8, 2024


Health is wealth

Consequences Of Getting a Medical Card

3 min read
What Is Medical Marijuana and Facts You Need to Know

Allowing medical marijuana in some states does not mean that it can be openly used whenever you want to and that you can carry it anywhere. It is the opposite, actually medical marijuana is still covered by the law that governs marijuana as a whole. 

Considering that medical marijuana is also  used for recreation. Laws are still applied to protect and secure people from abusing it and for safety. And another thing before being able to qualify to use medical marijuana your condition should be on the list of qualifying Conditions for medical cards In Lafayette LA. 

What are the Qualifying Conditions in Lafayette, Louisiana? 

Is It Worth Getting A Medical Card?

Patients who have the qualifying conditions have symptoms that cause their life to be inconvenient and to relieve the symptoms they are suffering from they would try medical marijuana. 

Medical marijuana has shown to alleviate common symptoms of severe illnesses such as chronic pain, insomnia and anxiety. With what patients can get, getting medical marijuana can be worth it after all.  

What Rights Do You Give Up When You Get A Medical Card in  Lafayette LA?

As a medical marijuana card holders there will be restrictions that you have to follow such as :

Not Allowed to Secure Driver’s License

You will not be able to get a driver’s license if you are a medical marijuana holder, this is because drug testing is required to get a license in Lafayette.  Another thing would be driving under the influence of illegal drugs is not allowed, medical marijuana may be allowed but it doesn’t mean it is legal to be openly used in all the activities you will get involved with. 

Not Be Allowed to Secure or Carry Firearms 

Marijuana and guns don’t mix under the law. Since they can impose danger to the people around you and on state laws people carrying a gun can be licensed by carrying marijuana whether its medical or not have the same punishment when caught in public.  

Do Medical Marijuana Cards Show Up On Insurance?

Medical marijuana cards are just like any other medical cards therefore they will be subject to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) laws,  which means that the information in your medical marijuana card is confidential and disclosing it is not allowed unless your permission is asked. 

How Does Getting A Medical Card Affect You?

Getting a medical marijuana card will not only give changes to your condition but also to your life as a whole. Some in a positive way and some may give you restrictions. That’s why weighing it before getting one is important, which one is more relevant in your present situation. 

It is understandable if you have indeed decided to try medical marijuana to lessen the burden of your condition but you also have to consider the fact that there will be limitations on your part once you get listed as a medical marijuana user. 

Advantages Of Getting a Medical Marijuana Card

Despite the restrictions you can have by using medical marijuana , you can also reap benefits from it .  

Medical Marijuana Card Holders are Prioritized in Dispensaries

Getting inline to be able to purchase is annoying especially if you are in a hurry. The good thing about having a medical marijuana card is you have your own queue line, and they will be prioritized if you purchase your cannabis treatment. 

There are lots of consequences of getting a medical card but there are also lots of positive benefits you can get, it will be wise to weigh things  before even applying for one. | Newsphere by AF themes.